Archive for the 'music' Category

To Ohio and Back, Part III

Friday, January 5th, 2007

NOTE: This post was started just before last Thanksgiving (original timestamp: 11/14/2006, 01:38). When I had just about gotten it finished, blew up, and finishing the post became a low priority. After I got the blog back up, I think I just forgot about finishing it, or assumed that I had already posted it. […]

To Ohio and Back, Part II

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

Finding the Venue. That’s where we left off, and that’s where we’ll get started today. Here’s the problem: the Great City of Columbus does not see fit to properly label their roads.1 Due to a lack of signage, I missed US 40. At one point, I stopped at a gas station for directions. The cashier […]

To Ohio and Back, Part I

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

Ah, writing. I’ve been neglecting my writing for quite some time. I’ve decided that it ‘s time to get back on track and finally write up my trip to Ohio from early this month. I haven’t been procrastinating, really! It’s only been a few days!1 The journey began on the afternoon of October the Second. […]

Electronic Music and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

The other day I was talking about quitting my job and riding around the country. It sounded like a good idea. So, I’m going to do something like it. No, Mom and Dad, don’t worry… I’m not quitting my job. I’m just taking a couple of days off of work and heading off to Ohio […]