Archive for March, 2007

"Move in and secure the objective"

Friday, March 30th, 2007

"Move in and secure the objective"1 So it’s just about that time. Tomorrow morning I leave for Orlando… well, actually Kissimmee, FL2. At any rate, I attend the ACPA conference every year, and go for the professional development opportunities, as well as the chance to see friends who are scattered far and wide. This year, […]

Sometimes, torque is the enemy.

Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

This past Saturday started off cloudy and rainy, but by the afternoon, the sky was clearing and the temperature was pleasant. As such, Angela and I decided that we should take the bike out to dinner and then to the bowling party we were to attend. When I took the bike out of hibernation for […]

In Which I Discuss Stuff, Things, & Whatnot

Monday, March 26th, 2007

The last week has been very busy, and this week is only going to be busier. In four days I leave for the ACPA / NASPA Joint Meeting in Orlando. The main focus of things for me this time around is, as I have mentioned, the job search I’m conducting. When I last updated a […]

The New Wave: Spamless spam comments

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

So, someone explain this to me. Over the last few days I’ve received a whole new wave of spam comments on the site that aren’t being caught by Akismet. Why aren’t they being caught? Because there’s nothing in them! That’s right.. in order to beat spam filters, it seems some spammers have decided to just […]

Bang, Boom, Crash

Monday, March 19th, 2007

One of the best parts of my job has always been that I have the ability to make my own schedule. This isn’t a 9-5 sort of job, so we don’t have to stick to a 9-5 sort of schedule. That means if I want to go in from 9-5 on Monday, and Tuesday, but […]

Job Serach

Sunday, March 18th, 2007

To Whom It May Concern: I’m great. Give me a job now. KTHXBYE, Mike As some of you may already be aware, I’m currently in the process of a job search. The “why” of the situation is quite simple: I’m finishing up my third year as a Resident Director, and I feel I’ve gained all […]


Tuesday, March 13th, 2007

About a year and a half ago, I decided to make my laptop a dual boot machine with Windows XP and Linux. I had just received it back from a repair under my best buy service plan, and it was returned to me with a 100 GB drive instead of the original 60 GB one, […]

The Continuing Voyages of the Starship ‘Bicycle Trainer’

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007

As I mentioned a while back, I picked up a bike trainer in the hopes of becoming more active. At the same time, I started tracking my food intake more carefully, trying to make sure I was running a reasonable daily calorie deficit. Surprisingly, I’ve stuck with this pretty well over the last six weeks, […]